Shock of the New

We’ve had a rather dramatic few weeks, involving all this but not in as orderly a fashion. I’ll let you fill in the gaps left/created by the pictures* as I have a zillion emails to deal with, and several more boxes of books to file…

Guppy and the New Boy
The Mr. looks adoringly at his new grandson.




Nearly There

Kitchen Window View


*all phone pictures I’m afraid.

8 thoughts on “Shock of the New

    1. Thank you, Scarlet, it’s wild here and seems to have been snowing non stop for about 36 hours. How is it down there? my sister in Kent has been snowed in for days and is beginning to go stir crazy. X


      1. It’s bonkers here now as well…. we have a red alert too…. which is sort of unheard of in Devon.I remember snow in Kent and going stir crazy back in the eighties!
        I can’t believe we have blizzards here.


  1. Yes, congrats! Grandchildren are a great source of joy. He can play for them.

    There’s an article in the New York Times this morning about your weather. What the hell is going on out there? I hope you’re having fun with it. Snow is very photogenic.


    1. Oddly he feels, or seems to feel, rather shy about playing for his family; I do, though, have a snippet of video of Charlotte when she was 2 dancing excitedly to his playing in a local hotel.

      I haven’t left the house since Tuesday evening when it was just starting; it hasn’t stopped yet, goodness knows what’s going on!


  2. The kid may have arrived be a bit early, otherwise it would not be in that “Brutkasten”. I wish him luck.
    And I hope you’ll have your roof repaired soon !


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